Why You’re Single: 15 Hilarious Guesses Unveiled (Part 1)

Guessing the reason why you are single in just 15 guesses part 1 now if I guess correctly the reason why you are single, hit the follow, leave a like, and simply leave me a comment. Just confirming. Yeah, you guessed correctly. But without further ado, let’s just dive straight in now. You could be picky. You could be very picky. I’m getting that sense from you. Or you’re currently in a situationship, so you’re kind of in limbo and you’re not really single, but then you’re like. You’re not really in a relationship. Either you’ve unintentionally friend zoned a lot of hot guys or girls, or you’re constantly on the lookout for Mister or missus right, only to then attract Mister or missus wrong. Or you could be way too clingy. Yeah, people are not into that that much unless they’re also playing in nature. You’re far too judgemental. You take yourself way too seriously, which you know tends to let men or women know. Nah, not about that vibe. Or you take life way too seriously. You could also be low key racist without even realising. You could also be low key like homophobic and transphobic without even realising. You could even be way too blunt and unfiltered, which could usually battle away potential partners. Or it could be that you’re constantly being friendzoned and you’re just sick and tired of it. Or you could be far too nitpicky. Or it could be that your standards are just So high that your heart is only reserved for your celebrity crush? Or your anger problems are just so bad that you’ve seen more wrist action with a wall than you have with a. Anything else? Well, that’s it for part 1. Let me know in the comment section if I guessed any of those reasons as to why you were single correctly, and if I didn’t, there is always part 2. Enjoy the rest of your day!