Waves of Friendship: Navigating the Ebb and Flow of Connection

you know how sometimes you have a friend who lives kind of far away, but you guys keep in touch and you, like, text each other back and forth, and you like each other’s stuff, and you sometimes call each other, but you’re always in each other’s lives. You know what’s going on. And you make an effort to keep in touch with this person. Until one day. Till one day you, like, get a text and you forget to reply or you can’t answer the phone right when they. Right when they call. And then it, like, goes a while and it goes too long, and then maybe you’re like, oh, shoot, did I do something? Am I actually, like, is there. Is there animosity between me and this person? Is this person mad at me for something? But really, there’s no root cause of what has caused you guys to. To break apart a little bit. And, um, you’re, like, in a group chat together, and you see each other, like, responding to other people’s things, so you know you’re okay and everything’s alright. But, like, you just haven’t talked to that person. And all it’s gonna take is one person to, like, reach out and be like, hey, friend, what’s up? But, like, it’s gone a little too long. You’re like, oh, no. Is there gonna be an explanation? Like, do I have to explain something? But nothing’s really been going on. Like, nothing’s bad, nothing’s Good. It’s just been life, right? Like, life gets in the way sometimes, and you, like, really miss that friend, and you want to reach out to that friend, and you’re like, oh, you just have to, like, kind of, like, put your big girl pants on that day and. And call that friend and just be like, hi, friend, what’s up? So, um, that’s what I’m doing. Hi, friend, what’s up?