Step-by-Step Guide to Activating and Filling Cracks for a Smooth Finish

So you’ll see right here, guys, here’s the crack, right? You’re gonna clean it out. Then you guys just activate. You just activate, uh, the material by cutting the tip off right here, right? You’re gonna just fill it in. Here’s a little demo for you guys. So you’re just gonna fill it in. It goes from the bottom all the way to the top. Now, if you guys are working on an edge, if you’re working on the edge of glory over here, you’re gonna come over here, right? Come right over here. You’re gonna take your product, you’re gonna put this right on the edge, and you’re just gonna go ahead. It could be like, a piece of wood, it could be a putty knife, anything like that. And then you guys can just fill in, fill in the rest. No big deal, right? Fill it in. I kind of say it’s always like a. Putting soft serve ice cream into a. To a cone. Just fills it up from the bottom to the top. Then you’re gonna take a putty knife right over the top, and you just level out the crack right over the top. Now,