Title: Challenging Ableism and Accessibility in Parking Spaces: A Personal Reflection

how can i be ableist when y’all’s legs work and mine don’t work like you have the option to park in a close spot that’s not the one with the extra space I don’t have that option I don’t wanna leave my house because getting groceries getting a prescription doing anything is so hard and I don’t have care to come with me to drop me off and pick me up like a lot of you have why is me wanting to be able to get groceries on my own ableist why is centering those with the most needs who don’t have the option to park in any other spots ableist in all of these parking lots there are regular spots just as close to the door I shouldn’t be parking in the AV parking sorry EV parking every time I go to the grocery store after waiting 30 minutes nearly _____ my pants