American in Florence: How to Spot Them on the Streets

So I moved to Florence, Italy, like a month ago, and part of my job is to literally profile Americans on the street. And when I see an American pass them out of fire. And people always ask me, how did you know I was American? So I’m gonna tell you exactly how everybody knows you’re American. First things first. If you’re walking around with a giant Stanley Cup, you are American. Italians do not carry water bottles anywhere. Like, three girls just walk by me holding a water bottle, you’re American. I already know. Second, if you have your coffee in a to go cup, you’re American. Or honestly, any pastry for that matter. Like, if you’re walking with a pastry or a coffee, you’re probably American. Third, there’s a certain speed that Italians walk at, and Americans triple that every time. Americans walk so much faster with so much more urgency than any Italian I’ve ever seen. Next is the lean. Like, Americans lean on things cause we’re just lazy, I guess. Italians don’t lean on things. Like, they just don’t. They stand up straight. Those are the only ones that I can think of for now, but if you have any more, drop them in the comments because I feel like there’s definitely some that I’m missing.