Title: Financially Savvy at 22: How I Budget My Income for Savings, Investments, and Fun

here’s exactly how I organise my money as a financially responsible 22 year old so first I get paid obviously and then from that monthly paycheck I have five places where my money goes so first as soon as I get paid my monthly wage goes straight into my current account my main current account and this is where I pay for things like rent my car utilities you get the gist all my fixed costs but before that I make sure I account for two and three which is my high yield savings account and my investment account which essentially I choose a percentage that I’m comfortable with currently saving 10% and invest in 20% No. 4 I also have a very small percentage of my income around 3% going into my workplace pension where they match this which essentially free money and the No. 5 which I love the most which accounts for my percentage of fun money so this is the stuff I love spending on this could be anything from going out with my friends going to eat out with my girlfriend anything like that