Payday Budgeting: Navigating a $120k Salary with 2 Jobs at 25 Years Old

it’s payday today so let’s budget my paycheck as a 25 year old making $120k with 2 jobs what happened these past 2 weeks financially cannot happen again at my 9 to 5 as a marketing specialist I made $3,365 before anything was taken out at my second job as a call center agent I worked 40 hours and made a $1000 in commission for a total of $2,081 after all the deductions I brought home $3,618 with that I’m paying off my $3,800 credit card balance don’t judge me most of it was for the Airbnb so I don’t regret it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see I still need to put aside $700 for half my rental property expenses so I’m close to $1000 in the negatives I’m taking from my savings hopefully my next cheque will bring me back up to the positives usually I’d invest the rest but I have nothing left this month woohoo