Finding the Balance: Wisdom and Generosity in Financial Matters

In Luke 12:15, Jesus says, watch out. Be on your guard against all types of greed. A person’s life does not consist in the abundance of their possessions. But that’s hard to heed, that’s hard to obey, because money and the things money can buy can be so attractive, so alluring, that we get wrapped up in it and lose god, lose ourselves, and lose other people. Jesus Christ says, love the Lord your god with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbour as yourself. Make money, as much money as you can. Money represents work. Work hard. Don’t become a workaholic, but work hard. Make as much money as you can. Save as much as you can. But then be generous. Generosity is the antidote to greed. Generosity is the cure for greed. Jesus Christ, though he was rich, became poor, went to a cross to give his life for you and for me. You practically know if you’re greedy if, 1 you think about money too frequently, almost all the time. And 2, if you’re too fearful about it, oh, am I gonna provide for my kids in the future, or is that not gonna be possible? Oh, am I gonna be able to get that car, or is that not gonna be possible? Those are the two ways, you know, practically, if you are greedy and you’re. If you’re able to stop thinking about money too consistently, and if you’re able to move From fear to faith. When it comes to how to use my money to glorify god, that’s when you are really living with a healthy perspective on money.