Maximizing Income with iPhone Stock Photography: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making $20,000 a Month

I sell my iPhone photos to stock websites online and make $20,000 a month and just this one time I’m going to explain exactly how you can do this too in the next 60 seconds while 99% of people will just save this video and somehow think that they’ll take action on it later you could be the person that actually starts making money doing stock photography today you don’t need any fancy equipment or any previous photography experience you only need the iPhone or Android that you are watching this video on right now in 2024 businesses don’t want corporate bland photos they want organic shots taken on an iPhone to use for their websites and marketing campaigns and you likely already have hundreds if not thousands of photos sitting on your iPhone right now that businesses want to buy and when you upload your photos to stock websites businesses can find your images and buy them an unlimited amount of times meaning your photos will continue to pay you passive income indefinitely you just need to take 10 minutes to start uploading my first month doing this I only made a couple hundred dollars but now I make over $20,000 every month from my photos continuing to sell and if you really wanna start doing stock photography I have a full step by step guide linked in my bio that explains everything you need to get started