Uncover Hidden Tax Returns: How Side Hustles Could Earn You Thousands

So if you’re somebody out there that’s been employed for the majority of your life and you’ve attempted some side hustles, because the IRS says you have to have a legal intent to make money. So if you’ve attempted some side hustles, you’ve even done a real estate transaction and it may or may not work it out, but you’ve done some business or at least attempted to be an entrepreneur. You qualify for a three year tax return review and you are crazy to not take one. I mean, just think, if you could get back five to 7,000 a year, you overpaid in taxes. Those of you that are big W2, and I’m talking 60,000 and more, you could probably get back. If you have both, you gotta have the extra side hustle. So you can’t just say, oh, I’ve been employed for three years and I wanna. You don’t qualify for one. But if you’ve attempted some stuff, you didn’t do deductions, your CPA probably didn’t pay attention, you probably didn’t report it cause it’s a hobby and you didn’t get the deductions. Just think, if we could help you get 5, 10,000 back a year, that’s 15 to 30,000. Like, let’s roll.