Tips for Making Sales on TikTok Shop: A Guide by Christy

how do you make sales on TikTok Shop hi my name is Christy I do TikTok Shop on my main page and I started this account to kinda teach you guys what I’ve been learning so that you can find everything in one place and I can do my best to help you guys out today we’re gonna be talking about how are you gonna make sales after getting into TikTok Shop if you’re already and you’re not making any sales let’s talk about things that you can do to grab these people’s attention but your video really needs to have a couple of different things first thing needs to be hooks I’m sure you’ve heard this or you’ve seen this everywhere if not then now I’m telling you a hook is something that happens in the first three seconds of the video that grabs the viewers attention to where they’re gonna Wanna stay and watch your video a couple different ways you could do hook you want you could do reverse hook like I’m so mad I can’t believe I bought this or I’m so disappointed with this product and then turn it around and say why you love the product then you wanna have a on screen hook so it whether that’s the first few words coming out your mouth I’m so mad whatever or you can even say like what products it is if it’s on sale put flash sale on the topic something that’s gonna really grab somebody’s attention then you wanna try to do a visual hook on a visual hook you wanna just be doing something with your hands whether that’s opening a product or you know just moving around something that you know is gonna grab your eyes next you guys you gotta cut out pauses okay nobody is gonna stay to watch if they scroll and they start your video and it’s a blank space okay because a lot of times start your video you know you wait for the timer clock to start going and then you start talking that’s okay but you wanna go in you wanna edit you wanna cut out cut out that dead space anywhere in the video there’s dead space cut it out you’re gonna leave immediately nobody wants to sit there and wait for you to start talking like you need to immediately be moving immediately be talking as soon as the video starts that’s how people are gonna stay next who want to be talking about products that you love products that you actually use you wanna talk about something that you’re bored with or that you don’t like because then you’re not gonna seem excited in your videos if you are hi guys so I got this um lipstick on TikTok Shop and it’s really pretty and maybe like oh my gosh guys I’m obsessed with the color of this lipstick you know what I’m saying like you need to be energetic you need to show those people like that you love that product and why you love that product don’t wanna make this video too long but I could definitely give you guys more tips in a different video of how to grab people’s attention I’m still working on this myself but I’m learning new things every day and these couple things have worked for me but if this was helpful you can hit that follow button and repost that maybe this can help somebody else and follow along guys because there’s gonna be a lot more educational videos coming