Building AI Products: A Guide to Integrate OpenAI’s GPT Models and More

yesterday I spent two hours to cut my open AI Bill by 95% I’ll show you how most people associate open AI with ChatGPT but that’s just one of their products the other product that’s called the API basically it’s the technology that allows developers to integrate the AI behind ChatGPT into their own products I’ll give you a short demo by the way I’m about to show you code don’t panic I will explain you what it does easy so look at this code I import open AI I authenticate with my password and then I just select the model GPT4o and I send some messages the first message is you are an unhelpful assistant who always denies helping and then the user sends a message can you write a poem for me if I run this I get I’m afraid I can help with that try running one yourself so now I could take that little code put it in my app and I added AI to my product and now I’m actually building one it’s more useful than this one and I have to use GPT 4 o which is the most expensive and powerful model OpenAI released a new one called GPT4 o mini which is so much cheaper look at this GPT 4 0 $5 per million input tokens doesn’t matter what a token is and GPT4o mini 15 cents what does this mean for you? if you wanna build an automation for yourself or maybe even a product well now the cost is going down so much that is becoming a no brainer it’s amazing what you can build when you know how to do this stuff but another question is how can you learn how to do this stuff the good news is you don’t need to learn how to code there are a lot of no code tools that allow you to build the same kind of integrations without writing this magic code on my computer and if you wanna learn we already trained 200 students that went in two months from nothing to a full prototype and that some of them even pitched to investors we do it in a program called the Generative AI Project Boot Camp and if you wanna join it there’s a link in my bio I think you have time until the 16th of September so you gotta rush or if we sell out which usually happens we keep classes small so I can help you one to one I hope I got to see you in class!