Global Rankings: Top 10 Most and Least Walkable Cities Revealed

Top 10 most and least walkable cities in the world. No. 10 most walkable city is Freiburg, Germany. Makes sense. Germany has Deutsche Bahn, which is a very developed transportation system that every German loves. No. 9 Leon, Spain. Fair enough. No. 8 is Bilbao in Spain. No. 7 Victoria 3 already in Spain. What is Japan coming? Okay, No. 6 Holten, Netherlands. This is a cool city, loads of history. No. 5 Granollers. We already have four of top 10 in Spain. Okay, No. 4 is Scooter, Albania. Albania? I didn’t expect this at all. Okay, number three. Three. Tokyo, Utrecht, Netherlands. Utrecht is a really cool city. Again, a Dutch town with a really cool university. No. 2 Kosovo. Kosovo. And No. 1 most walkable city in the world? Mozambique. Mozambique and top 10 least walkable cities are actually all in the US. Except the No. 9, that’s in Panama. Because in the US people love their cars.