The Near Miss: Disney’s Almost Acquisition of WB and DC – What Could Have Been

Some crazy news came out. Apparently Disney almost bought WB and they almost got their hands on the entire DC franchise. Bob Iger considered buying Time Warner in 2016 before ultimately moving forward with the 21st Century Fox acquisition in 2019. If Bob Iger bought Time Warner, that means Disney would have control of both Marvel and DC instead of getting the rights back to Deadpool, X Men, and the Fantastic Four. You know what? As cool as that would have been, I’m actually kind of glad it didn’t happen. It would be a little overwhelming having Disney own two of the biggest superhero franchises of all time. Marvel’s already enough. They’re already the biggest movie franchise of all time. They don’t need another. And Marvel has access to all of their characters again ever since Disney bought Fox. And yeah, some of the characters are shared custody, but they can still use them. But a part of me wonders what could have been. You know, we could have gotten Avengers versus Justice League movie.