Review and Demo: Brighten Your Skin with This Serum!

What’s up, people? Stop here again with our next video. I literally just did a whole video for another skincare products. And now I’m just gonna apply this serum to my face because I’m already in the process. I do in review. So might as well I just do this review as well. Assure y’all. So I’ve been using this product for like a wheat note. And as you can see, my skin like it look though how it looks like it’s a little like brighter and whatever, like, you know, cleaner and stuff than the last time y’all probably had seen me. That’s because I was testing out the product.

The product said that like, add, do some pumps in your hand and just put on your face. But I had nails on and you know, I can’t do it like this. I’m gonna do it my way anyways to make it dry fast. But just get a fun. Cuz normally I would just go sit in front of my fan, but for the video I’m showing, y’all just use a little mini vet fan if you want it to drive fast, like I want it to dry fast. But yeah, and that’s how it is. Like that’s it. That’s my skin. Looks lovely, feels amazing.