Exploring Trust, Sacrifice, and Self-Discovery: A Conversation with Habiba

If you won 10 million U. S. Dollars, will you give your boyfriend the whole of the money? So you invest for your future, plan for your future. Remember, he’s the love of your life and the apple of your eyes. Okay, first of all, you said my boyfriend. Yeah. Your boyfriend is not dating my husband. No, no, no, not yet. He’s your boyfriend. I cannot, I cannot give him. Oh, you cannot give. Is that you don’t trust him? No. Ah, anything free happen now? No, not like that. You break my heart. You can break up. And why? If you break up, maybe that’s destiny. So, but, uh, you know, you just have to make sacrifice. I can give him some parts, but not all. Yes, I can give him some parts. So you cannot trust him with everything? Yes. No. What’s your name? My name is Habiba. You are from which state? Nigeria. You are in Niger. Mina. Mina. You are what tribe? Because I’m a tribe. I’m a tribe. And you can speak Nupe very well. How do you say I’m a student in Nupe? Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah. Egima can’t time me. Egima can’t. Eg what? Egima can’t time me. Okay, so that means I’m a student. Yes. Alright. By what level and what department here? I’m in foundation level microbiology. Ah, foundation level student. Yes. So can you tell us one interesting thing about yourself? Just one thing about you. Yes, I’m A jovial person. Think you are a jovial person? Yes. Okay. I’m nice. You are nice. Yes. I’m smart and I’m beautiful. Wow. I think we need to go to this Nigeria and confirm if truly, as you claim that you are, you have beautiful girls in Niger. Ah, very well. You need to go there and confirm. Okay. What’s one thing you can say about this school? Okay. Hmm. This school? Yeah, the school is good. Okay. It’s good. It’s good. Alright. But it’s still shaky. Uh huh. That is still shaky. How isn’t it now? Is it not that you just wake up, you go to lectures, you come back, you know, is the. That’s stressful. Mhm. Apart from that. Mhm. There’s stress. There’s stress. Yes. Alright. I say outside, right, Habiba? Okay. Um, alright. Habiba, thank you very much for your time. Thank you. Bye.