Embracing Individuality: Appreciating Games Without Comparison

Yeah, people are being really, really strange about this whole thing. Like, you don’t have to compare the games. They’re both really, really good. Everybody’s gonna have their preference of which one they prefer. Like, I prefer Elden Ring so far, but does it take away from that? It’s just the weirdest thing in the gaming industry to me now. People feel this dire need to compare games. There’s no. There. There’s no. There’s no need to compare them. It’d have been like if Insomniax Spider Man came out in 2018 and everybody was, like, holding the fact that it’s like Batman Arkham against it. You know what I’m saying? How silly that is. Like, you can enjoy both games. Like, are there obvious elements of Spider Man that were influenced by Batman Arkham? Of course there were, but that doesn’t mean that it’s like, trying to be Batman Arkham or something. There’s just. It was influenced by it a little bit. That’s fine. They’re both great. I love them both dearly. Like, I’ve never felt the need to compare them because they’re two different games. Just enjoy the game. It’s not. It is not that serious.