Versatile Magnetic Phone Holder Review and Installation Guide

Everyone. So me and Mark are in the car, um, we’re just setting up my new phone holder, which this is it, but it comes and it’s, um, it’s designed for iPhones, cause we’ve got a convertible, so it’s quite restrictive on the windscreen and the dashboard, where to put things. So that’s why I’m always trying to balance it, and this is why I’m always so close. But anyway, so we’ve got this, and you can bend it anywhere you want, literally hang it over on things. It is so magnetic. Give me your phone a minute, Mark, look. Oh, hang on, look. Literally, look. It is so strong. Um, so anyway, I’m gonna have mine, I think, for my mirror, because it, I, I think it’s a better view. Anyway. Um, so you can have these little pads to go on the back. Uh, where’s the other pad? There you go. So you could just take stick. You get two of these. Oh, I’m throwing it everywhere. You could just stick it on there, pull that off and then have it, if you want it fixed somewhere all the time, if you’ve not got off. If you got, like, a case on your phone, mine works perfectly fine. But you’ve got, like, a magnetic. Magnetic strip. We could take that off, stick that to the back of your phone, and then it always, um. There you go. Then it sticks onto there. Um, and then what else is There as well, Mark. But then I’m gonna show you as well. I’m. I’m gonna show you how I’m having it and I’m gonna show you how a lot of people are having it as well. Um, so they have it bent over like that and then on their control panel. Hang on, let me show you. So there it is over the panel like that. So you can just have it like that. Mark’s gonna put his phone on, see? Oh, it’s fast sliding down. Oh, it’s not pushed down properly, isn’t it? Yeah. Oh, so anyway, that’s how it is like that. So it’s sort of like far away from there, so you can. So you can. Oh, you can turn it as well so your phone can go around. Yeah. Look at the fingerprints everywhere. So I’ll just show you how I have mine. So here I am. So this is. You are on the mirror now. And I think that’s so much better, cause I can sort of like, just go back and I just feel like it’s such a bit. I don’t feel like I’m real close onto you all the time. Um, but that’s just gonna be so much better for me when I’m filming. She. That one was sitting in the car. I just think it’s perfect. Works. Oh, think it works perfect there. Because if I wanted to, um, just turn you around like that and then just talk to someone else, So we got cardboard boxes in the back. Um, but I just love it. I think it’s really good. And I don’t think it’s just good for the car. I think this would be good. But if you had it fixed at home or something. Yeah, if you have it at home. Yeah, you could have it at work. Yeah, I think it’s really good. Um, but anyway, I’m gonna link it below, cause I do really, genuinely like this. And Mark’s gonna get one. He wants this, Jo. I’ll have one when I’m on my bike, so he can, like, be on his bike and track where he’s going when it’s a new job and things. So anyway, um, take care, everyone. Bye.