Finding Hope in a World of Uncertainty

People say the world is getting worse and worse, and it causes them to be anxious about it. But the world has always been the same. We know more about it because of social media. We see how bad the world is, but it’s always been terrible. You remember the first gospel sermon ever preached was in acts chapter two, and Peter told the people that Jesus had been crucified and that we were all guilty and we all need to be saved. And he summed up his message by saying, be saved from this perverse generation. So when Peter was preaching in the first century, he said, this is a terrible generation. And it was. If you’ve studied the history of the Roman Empire, then you know that it was a terrible time to be alive as far as the way the world was. But the world has always been the same, and it’s always been against god. Uh, but god shows his loving kindness. He shows his long suffering. He shows his patience by giving us the opportunity to turn away from our sins and be saved. God loves you. Love him back. Um, the world is always gonna be against god. The world is going to be bad. It’s always been bad, um, because of the devil and because of our sinful nature and because of our selfishness. But god shows his love for us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans Chapter 5 tells us that focus on Jesus, don’t focus on how bad the world is. Focus on Jesus and share the love of Jesus with others.