Sharon Gardner: A Beacon of Light in Caribbean Gospel Music

Something good about to happen. Yes. And I’m grateful that I made it here. Okay, so find me here easily became the universal anthem and for the entire world, written and sung by our very own Mr Sharon Gardner, who is actually here with us this evening, by the way. Make some noise. Now, if that’s not a proud moment for the Caribbean people, I don’t know what is. Where would we be without the upliftment and the nourishment of gospel music? You understand they say many are called, but a few are chosen. Sharon accepted the mantle to inspire us all through his incredible talent and the unwavering dedication to his craft. Sherin began singing in churches at a tender age of five. He recorded his first album when he was only 17 years old. He’s now celebrating over 40 years in gospel. Make some noise. For 40 years, that’s a very big thing. His music is a beacon of light, guiding us through life challenges and uplifting our hearts with every single note with songs like I worship you because of you greater restoration and of course, blessings find me, which would be rime of me if I didn’t really boast and talk about this because that has surpassed over 1 billion views on TikTok. And I said billion with a b. Yeah. So big up to Sharon Gardner. He continues to touch our hearts and soul, spreading messages of hope, faith and love. And tonight, we proudly honour Him in his outstanding contribution to gospel music. Sharon, we are truly blessed to be here to see you receiving the end of your gifting Caribbean Music Awards. Please join us in celebrating the exceptional Sharon Gardner. Make some more noise. Mr Sharon Gardner, thank you so much that we made it here. If you’re grateful, just clap your hands. Firstly, let me just say thank you to the Caribbean Music Awards. And um, it’s truly a bless feeling to be here and to be recognised not just as an artist, but as a gospel artist. I wanna say thank you to my mom who had the choice of life and death because I wasn’t supposed to be here. The doctors told her that she needed to abort the baby. But she said if God gave life is only he could take life. And I’m here and now God is just taking me throughout the whole world. To my beautiful wife, family, my church family, to the Caribbean family, I just wanna say thank you. But most of all, I wanna say that I’m not alone knowing that god is with me. But there’s a whole heap of Caribbean gospel artists who dedicate themselves not just to doing music, but to doing music that represents and send a message of the gospel. We are positive. We in Jamaica, we have people like Jermaine Edwards, Kevin Donwell, Trinidad Blessed Messenger, Jaron, Guyana days, Samuel Medas. I am not alone. So I Hope that this is not the only or the last time that gospel is represented because we are taking it to the globe. And lastly, to my label, to my family, to my management team and everyone who supported gospel music throughout the years, I wanna say thank you. And I wanna leave you all with this message, not just for me, but a message for you. And it’s, it’s real simple. This is not recorded yet, but I really wanna bless you all and leave you all with this that says, blush you.