From Makeup to Money Woes: Our Journey to Rock Bottom and Redemption

When we first started, we were in makeup, especially in the beginning, we put our trust into a lot of the wrong people. And we lost a lot of money and, like, how much money? Too much money. Haha. Too much money, honey. Haha, it would make me start crying. I’m gonna go ahead and say I lost maybe a little bit more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will say you definitely did. Jokes like that, I feel like I should be able to laugh also. Like, that’s the other thing, too. And we. We talk about this in our failing point. We lost so much money to a point where we were like, how do we get off the floor? And I was like, honestly, it’s only up from here. Which is because of a great thing. Yeah. You can’t go any lower. This is hell. Rock bottom. This is hell.