hey folks welcome to Danny’s Photobook Corner just from the cover of Brad Jones’s of Fragile Utopia you know you’re in for something special how many contemporary photographers are casually referencing Andrew Wyeth paintings the fragility within these compositions is their greatest virtue the verified light that constantly threatens to slip away is as tenuous as the carefree children that populate the pictures many photographers have discovered the alchemy of golden hour light and how it can transform a photo but few were able to populate their pictures with the sort of gossamer content that Brad sees each picture here is an expertly witnessed vignette perfectly self contained without feeling hermetically sealed there’s an ache to the pictures it’s the same kind of agony that comes with the end of the summer we’re the only concern in savoring seasonal delicacies that are once again about to evaporate there’s plenty to savor here and no amount of summarizing I can offer will help these pictures express their intricacies any more efficiently than they already do when Brad publishes a full length book I’ll be the first in line