Cracking the Code: Tips for Becoming a Sephora Squad Ambassador

after posting about the Sephora squad that opened up in August I just got a lot of like DMs and questions about the process and like best tips for getting chosen look I have nothing to do with the Sephora squad I don’t work there I don’t work for the agency that handles any of it have had clients in the Sephora squad I just wanted to chat through a few tips and tricks just like generally when brands are looking for ambassadors that might actually help you with the Sephora Squad or future ambassador programs or just getting like a deal in general support squad they are taking applications from people so you have to realize like as these applications are coming in their team is looking at your profiles like that is like the main resume here that we’re talking about so I would highly suggest making sure you’re super active while they’re looking through everything so that you’re posting consistently in feed on stories and on your main platforms and second that you’re posting about beauty content and we’re talking about Sephora a beauty retailer so make sure that you’re weaving in beauty content I’m sure they are looking at engagement so looking at like what your community is commenting how you’re responding how you’re engaging like make sure bottom line you’re being consistent with posting you’re weaving and beauty and you are engaging with your audience the corresponds specifically allows for testimonials and I am sure those help they have to like why would they put that on there um but it’s obviously not like the key thing that they’re looking at I really do think that like your profile is your resume in this specific instance and also just for like any partnership with a brand ambassador or one off like your social profile is what they’re looking at this is the platform that they’re engaging with so of course that matters have you ever posted about Sephora is there any Sephora brands on your feed like I am sure that matters as well and I say that to my clients all the time who come to me and say hey I wanna work with brand acts first thing I ask them is okay when have you posted about them like can you show me some content that leaves in that brand that I can utilize in my pitch to this brand because think about all of the content creators that wanna work with the Sephora or wanna work with Brand X like you have to make sure you’re already part of the conversation around this brand if you wanna work with them and a lot of times these brands are doing social listening like literally all the time so it’s always on meaning they are basically utilizing platforms and tools to see which content creators are talking about their brand talking about it tagging and basically they can use that data and those are content creators that they can reach out to for gifting partnerships events etcetera so if you really do wanna work in the partnership space step one is always talking about the brands that you wanna work with and weaving them into your content organically the application closes September 4th and then they choose the squad or like announce the squad in November so if you have more questions I’m here happy to answer them I have nothing to do with Support Squad except that I just know how brands work with content creators so more than happy to help so just let me know goodbye good luck