Navigating Chapter 4: A Guide to Finding Optional Bosses

I’mma show you where every boss is in chapter 4. Except the main bosses. Cause like I said, you can’t miss them. First, this ugly worm. We gonna go to web hollow. And then the bridge from the shrine, we gonna go this way. And once we get out here, we gonna make a left and go down this way. We get up here, we gonna make another left. And then look to our right and walk through here. Now, when you get in here, some boxes on the ground. Open them up and see what you find. Then we’re gonna walk through all these spider webs. And as soon as you get down this way, the worms should be waiting for you right over here. Next is a frog boss. We still in the webbed hollow. But we don’t go to the lower hollow from the shrine. We just gonna walk through here and keep walking, walking, walking. And when you get about right here, look left and it’s a crack in the wall. Go walk through it. Once you walk through, all you gotta do is walk up here and make a left. From here is pretty much a straight shot. Just keep going forward. Ain’t no left or right turns. Once you get to the end, it’s gonna be this little hole. Jump through and the frog will be sitting here waiting for you. Next is the Venom DAST. For him, we’re gonna go to the web Hollow. And we want to go to the pool of Shattered Jade. But I’m gonna take the long way, because if you got this shrine, then you’ve already beat this boss. But we’re gonna start at the upper hollow, all right? From the shrine, we’re gonna just walk up these steps right here. And when we get to the top, we’re gonna make a left and make our way to the bottom. We get to the bottom, and we’re gonna go right up here, make a left, and then we’re just gonna jump down. And then we’re gonna jump down again. From here, we’re gonna just make this left and make our way forward. Walking, walking. We’ll try not to get hit by the little spider things. Keep walking through here, all right? Once you pass through, we just gonna keep straight. From here, we’re gonna make another left, and we’re gonna make our way through these little spider sets. Again, try not to get hit. And now we’re gonna walk up these steps. Once you get up the steps, it’s a straight shot. Just keep moving forward. If you kept moving forward, you can see some more steps. We ain’t gonna do nothing but walk up here and get right here and make a right. And pretty much we’re here. Now, if you look, there go that shrine I was telling you about. But where we gonna go is back here in this corner on the right. Once you Get past all these little spider sacks. Just try not to get hit. Just keep walking this way. And it’s gonna be a big sack. Spider sack in the middle of this. What you gonna do is hit it. You gonna keep hitting until you get a cut scene. After you beat him, he’s gonna run away. I’mma show you where he is. We gonna go to the temple of yellow flowers. And then we gonna go to the court of illumination. All right? From the shrine, we gonna turn around and go this way. Walk down these steps and we going over here. We gonna walk through there, turn around and walk up these steps. And we’re gonna keep going. And it’s another set of stairs right at your right. Just keep going forward. You don’t get to the top of this hill and make a left and then up these steps and make another right. Stick with me. We gonna keep going, then we gonna make another loop. Now we just gonna slide down here. Once you get down here, a cutscene should happen. Once you beat the boss, you should be able to finally get to the secret area in this chapter. Next is Yellow Long. I’ve already done a whole video on him. The title of it is called how to get the Golden Long Staff. Next is Commander Beetle. Alright, from the shrine, we just gonna walk this way. I’m pretty sure most of y’all Don’t beat this boss anyway, cause he kind of hard to miss. But i’mma show y’all anyway. We just gonna keep walking forward. It’s pretty much a straight shot from here. Walking, walking, walking. And you get up here, we’re gonna walk back this way from here, we’re gonna move forward and just walk up these steps, make a right, make up these steps, and then all we have to do is look right again. And you should see Commander Beetle and his students waiting for you. I think I found the first mistake in the game, because Fungi Woman is not in my journal. But I’m gonna show you where she at. We gonna go back to the temple of yellow flowers and then the court of illumination. All right? From the shrine, we just gonna walk back this way and get down the steps. And we going right back through here. We gonna walk through here. We just gonna keep moving forward, because ain’t no left or right turn. Just keep moving forward. Gonna make our way up this hill, make a left, and then we gonna make another right. And when we get up here, this time, instead of going left, we’re gonna make a right and walk down this way. Now, when you get back here, all you gotta do is look on the ground. It’s gonna be a mushroom or something you can pick up. When you pick it up, she’ll come up out the Ground. It’s somewhere in this area. Next is the Scorpion Lord. We gonna go to the purple mountain cloud. And we want to go to the bounds of Didi Bow, but someone’s gonna ask me where that is. So we just gonna go to the valley of blooms. From the shrine, we gonna turn around and cross the bridge. And once we cross the bridge, we gonna make a right and keep making our way forward. Oh, then about right up in here, this is where we make a left. We pretty much just gonna follow this path all the way up here. We just gonna keep walking, walking, walking. Then right here, we gonna make it right, and we gonna walk through here. Once you walk through there, there go that shrine I was talking about. But we gonna walk up these steps, and the Scorpion Lord should be sitting right there on that roof. Thing about it is, he gonna just be talking. He not gonna fight you until you destroy his drink. Sitting down here on the ground. Just hit him, and then you’ll make him mad. He’ll fight you. The last one is Dallas may. We going to the purple mountain cloud and then the pedophile hamlet. From the shrine, we just gonna walk forward and get over this bridge. We gonna get past the bridge, take a left, and walk up these steps. And to our left, it should be a guy over here standing He is a side quest. What he gonna do is ask you to pretty much end his comrades. So what you gotta do is go find them. It’s these enemies. So keep going around fighting them until you get this drop. Now, all you gotta do, once you get that drop, you gotta come back, give it to him, and voila! You can miss that fight if you beat the dustville first. So do this quest and then go beat the dustville. Other than that, that’s it. That’s all the optional bosses in this chapter.