Perfecting Your Swing: Tips for Facing Tough Pitchers

Right. So when I’m looking at you swing, I’m looking at. Can she do that against a good, really good pitcher, or is that’s only a front toss thing? You get it? Yes. So when you do this and you go, I already know if we’re facing a real good pitcher tomorrow, that ain’t gonna work. I can’t let you do it. You get it? I want all your trigger movements to be as short and quiet as possible, okay? Two eyes on the pitcher. Yep. Triggers, quiet. Quiet. And that’s not gonna take away from your power. Trust me. You’ll be all right. Counter fast. Yep. That’s a great job right there. Let’s get it. Let’s get a sign. Now. I want to soften this up. Right? I want to soften that up. We’re gonna go.