Witty Boo Boo Bear and Other Jankopotako Tales: A Collection of Whimsical Musings

This is what? My last name. What is this? What is this? Jankopotako. Jankopotako. Four different jankopotako with my finger as their baby blanket. Okay, I have this one. Jesus H. Christ. A wolf? Excuse me. I’m scared. What does this mean? Is it because of my. Okay, okay. I can’t show that we beat the red team. I feel a song coming on. Okay, babe, thanks for sharing that with us. Ah, this is one more singular photo. And it’s. It’s the little Troy. Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee. Tag yourself. I’m this one. I’m. I’m plumpy on Plumpy Day. This is so me after I’ve had dinner with my kitty. Witty boo boo bear. That’s so Rachel. Rachel, I’m screen shooting this for you, Rachel, I’m screen shooting that for you, Rachel. That’s literally you, Rachel. That’s literally you. That’s literally Rachel. I’m poopy. Who’s poopy next?