Title: Analyzing Football Strategies: Breaking Down Prince’s Run and Lucas Niang’s Block

I know you’ve got this linebacker in the hole and you need to get him into Nyang’s block. If you right here as generic Prince hit that hole, you’ve got. You’re right there with the linebacker. But if you move it up to here, well, Lucas Niang’s got him now. I would imagine you’ve got to hit this now. But he continues to take a couple steps towards steel. And by the time he does try to make that cut, a. It looks like he kind of trips himself up cause he’s like in the sea of feet and bodies now. And this linebacker who. Let’s see where he was when we were saying he. So we’re saying Prince should make his cut now. Linebacker is over here and he. In these times it takes him to stutter, the linebacker is able to come in and cut Prince out in the knees and prevent him from getting the first.