Title: Maximizing Education Value: Charging Strategies for One-Time vs. Recurring Content

The problem that I believe that exists in most of the education space is that people try to sell recurring on things that have one time value. Once you know how to do math, buying a course on doing more math is not valuable. The day before you know how to do math, incredibly valuable. So if someone has a course that’s one time value, so charge one time for it. A community calls accountability. Whatever things that you have that are consumable on a recurring basis, you charge for on a recurring basis. And often times the value of that recurring thing is significantly less than the value of the one time thing. And that’s okay, cause what you really want is something that people don’t turn out of. And having people pay a big amount up front to identify with this new solution. Shift from being a a watch burner to an entrepreneur. Insert the name of your charismatic hero. That identity shift comes with a big price tag. So you charge for that and then the recurring is much smaller than people stick because they had this big sale that they associated the shift with.