Embracing Imperfection: Letting the Light In

there’s a crack in everything that’s how the light comes in I love this quote from Leonard Cohen it’s so true so for us personally in a day to day life we don’t have to be perfect don’t fall for our egos idea that we have to be perfect be perfect and then condemn us if we’re not no that’s just a mental construct now that doesn’t mean we don’t give that we give up on our striving for perfection no of course we keep going but we don’t have to be perfect at this time and what does that really even mean to be perfect so if we make a mistake all right we we accept that we acknowledge it we try to do better but we won’t beat ourselves up for not being perfect because all of us have some flaw some glitch some hang up some blind spot and that’s just a way of a growing person so just acknowledge that there’s a crack in everything that’s how the light comes in