From Freshman to Senior Year: A Rollercoaster of College Experiences

You smell that? Smells like learning. The grass is cut. The birds are chirping. This is gonna be the best 4 years of my life. Oh, man, I need to get out of here. This feels like prison. I have a notebook for every single class. I’m gonna be organized on top of my work. I’m gonna make sure I don’t get confused with anything, and I’m going to be the top of my class. I have one notebook I use for every class. I don’t even take notes anymore. Oh, no, I’m gonna be late. I have to, like, go now. I can’t be late for class. Oh, man, I’m five minutes late for class. Nah, I think I’ll just take the entire day off today. I love my classes this year. That was a real lecture hall. I hate my classes so much. I love the dining hall food. That freshman 15 is gonna hit me hard. I can’t stand the dining hall food. Honestly, I think I’m just gonna go get Chipotle. Oh, this? Well, I gotta represent our school. Go Broncos! We have a mascot. Well, that was my final class as a freshman. It’s gonna be another 3 months before I come back. I’m gonna frame this over the summer. I’m gonna miss this place. Well, that was my last class as a senior. Man, let me tell you, it feels good to be free. Wow. This is what it feels. Wait a second. I Have to. I have to find a. A job. Oh, no. I’m gonna be sick.