Miracle Maker: A Gift Economy Journey with Raj Lahodi

Yo, Uber Tube, episode number 1:06. This is technically not an Uber ride, but since I have Raj Lahodi in the back of the car, I gotta ask him some questions. I ask him a lot of questions on the breaking of my podcast. You remember that podcast? And tell you, right. Do you remember that.

Way? You asking me.

What do you remember about that podcast? And so in case someone wants to tune in, why would they tune into that one? I mean, I’m sweating.

Inspiring about the gift economy and all the different ways that the gift economy is inspired my life but also connected us and continues to actually serve us and serve others. So.

What’s the gift economy?

You know, the gift economy, interestingly enough, we were just at a church, you know, session, whatever you wanna call it, service, and just talking about the idea that one may be willing to sacrifice their own comforts for the betterment, their neighbor, their friends, somebody in need. And that sometimes that selfless act is actually the most selfish thing we can do because we are actually very much connected to everyone and you can’t really experience somebody else’s pain without like feeling it yourself. Like you can’t witness somebody’s pain truly without feeling it yourself. And so, yeah, the gifted economy is really about a collective ma consideration and that we’re all part of a community and that together we all rise.

And then we talked about some details about how you were like the gift economy magician in my life at that time. Do you want me to try to share that in like less than a minute? I mean, you’re welcome to share. Okay. Well, because then I can ask you, I can like flip it on you because I am curious, do you feel like you got a lot out of the deal? Basically, when, but maybe two months before Davina was born in San Diego, I landed like my dream little beach cottage, exactly where I won her birth. And Diana did an amazing job at that cottage with Davina birthing are there. But to get it, I like bypassed like 80 other applicants because I found out who the owner of the house was by some research and development, like under the radar, sent her a video message and she just let me rent the place without him paying rent. And the day rent was due and I didn’t know how I was gonna pay it. I thought I was due the next day. I was meeting Raj for like the second time ever on purpose. And you came in kind of like a little jittery and nervous like, and I was, I got nervous like too. I was like, what is going on here? And eventually you just, I’m explained that you want to start paying for everything in our lives until Breaking Normal was published, which you did and more. I mean, there was a, I don’t know if we wanna talk about amounts. I’m not sure if we talked about amounts on the podcast, but I will say that was one of the most miraculous moments of my life. Because I really didn’t know I was gonna do and somehow I had faith and I thought Brent was due the next day. And you wrote, not only did you write the rent check, you wrote the check for the midwife, put a few cards in my apps and head writing checks. And then sure enough, once Davino was born about six weeks later, I think we made the most viral video ever from daddy. I’m daddy video. What did that mean to you to do that? Cuz, you know, I thought told people that story before and they like, I don’t even believe it when I’m telling it. Sometimes I’m like, I might lie. No, but this is actually what happened.

First of all, you know, I reflect on that time in my life often. And to me, I was position with such a great blessing that my business was generating more finances and revenues than I really knew what to do with myself from own life. And I just felt like, well, I can invest it in stocks and companies and driving the corporate America even more, or I can invest it in people. And by investing in people, it’s the greatest investment that I can do because it has a impact that stand, you know, that trend sends a share certificate or a company’s formation. And I must say that, you know, even though my own personal financial situation changed and I’m not in that same position to be able to, let’s call it, fund people the way that I did in the past.

What I’ve noticed today is that some of the same people that I’ve showed up for as yourself, just like yourself and others, even who I’m living with right now, have showed up for me in ways that are, transcend any amount of transactional nature. Like literally I’ve been reciprocated love, respect, empowerment, connection in ways where there’s no amount of money that I could even put on that type of of that gift that I’ve received back and then I’m receiving today. So there are times when I struggle financially and think to myself, I could have saved that my. But then I go back to that time and I’m like, no, at that time, it was coming to me like it was oxygen, like it’s water. And why would I hold on to that when I could give it to those that need it? And today, I see that it’s the gift that keeps on giving in ways that I can see often in some ways that I’m not seeing, but while the blessings that I have are just remarkable. So it was definitely worth every penny. And if I could go back to those moments, I would do it all over again the same way. Cuz I love the situation that I’m in right now and I love what’s unfolding and just everything that’s, that my life represents today.

Well, thank you for being such a miracle maker and miracle in my life. I know I probably wasn’t so easy. Explain. Especially. I’m not. I haven’t sweat this much in Colorado maybe ever. It is freaking hot out here, guys. I’m going to the creek. But I will say all those books on display in the back, you know how many people, like so many times people like, can I buy one of these? And sometimes I let them buy them, but it’s most of the time I tell them, well, I had a friend that invested in me to make, okay, Raj is not here anymore. My phone over here. That was that hot. But I’ll continue the interview. And I was going to save it. Most of the time I gift the book to them because the opportunity for me to not work and get paid not to work to make sure that book was working was gifted to me. And this is a gift to you.

And then Raj, how does that white chocolate bison tallow balm feel and smell? Yep, white chocolate donuts ice cream. Oh, it feels like the most moisturizing thing you’ve ever used. Me, too. I think this is the tennis I’ve ever been. Thank you. Tried vitamins, bison, Talibal. And thank you, Raj. See you tomorrow with maybe Raj or the other Raj. I think I know 3 other rages in Boulder. How many rages do you know?