Life with Twins: A Month in, Tales of Growth, Challenges, and Love

The twins are a month old, so I thought I’d just give you a little update of how it’s been for us. Well, actually they’re nearly 5 weeks old, which is. Which is mad. Um, at birth. So like five weeks ago they were just under 6 pounds each. They were literally the same weight. And now they’re seven and a/2 pounds. Cause they did drop 14% of their birth weight after a week after birth because my milk was delayed. Um, they were just having Clostridium, they weren’t really latching well on the breast. Um, like, lots of reasons why they dropped weight, but also it’s quite common in twins cause you’re trying to feed two babies. Um, but yeah, now they’re seven and a/2 pounds, which is just crazy. They’ve grown so much. Like, I’ve been going for a growth spurt. So like, normally you would feed like every 2 3 hours, but now it’s like every 1 to 2 hours because I like, demanded so much more, uh, food. And that’s what happens when they’re going through a growth spurt. And also all their tiny baby clothing is, um, too small from now, so I’ve had to take all of that to the charity shop. And now they’re onto Newborn. But even some of the Newborn stuff is like quite small because their feet are massive. Like, their feet are huge for babies. Oh my God. And the hands, like, I have long chipolata fingers, so I think that’s where they Get long, skinny fingers from. And also my dad has big feet, big hands, and so does Ash’s dad. So they’re gonna be tall. Like, they’re gonna be tall men. They’re gonna be tall, handsome men. And in regards to me, like, I’m doing really well. Like, my C section scar has healed so well, like, it looks like a pen line now. It looks. It literally looks like someone should draw a pen line across my bikini line. And you don’t see it when you got knickers on. Um, and in regards to, like, my bump, my belly is just got so much. So flat now. It’s a bit of, like, squishy skin, like, loose squishy skin, like. And that takes time to, like, go down. And after 6 weeks, you can, like, do exercises on your stomach if you wanna get, like, more toned again. Um, but yeah, after 6 weeks, you’re, like, class is, like, fully healed from a C section. But yeah. And in regards to, like, mental health, like, I feel good. Like, I’m not showing any signs of depression. Like, the only thing. Cause obviously you can get, like, postpartum depression, like, it’s quite common. The only thing I would say is, like, the tiredness. The tiredness is a killer for both of us. But, like, that’s gonna. That’s never gonna change. We’re gonna be tired forever now. And, yeah, I just feel like all I do is change nappies, feed and cuddle my babies. But I couldn’t imagine life without them. Like, they’re. They’re our everything. Like, literally. I’m just having a cuddle with Elijah now, and ash is watching the football with Emiliano. Daddy’s funny, isn’t he