Operation Reclaim Our Youth: A Musical Journey to Wembley

Always say, always say. Today’s gonna be the day. Operation Reclaim Our Youth. Get tickets just on that. It is seated, isn’t it? Oh, I didn’t think about that cause of my back and. And my bunion. Wembley. Wembley. Don’t be seated at Wembley. How are we gonna get there and back in a day? It’s kinda half a world away. Oh, Rachael said she drive. You know, she’s electric, so, you know we’re gonna have to stop and charge halfway. Wait a lifetime? Yeah, we’d need more time. What about Sally? She said she could wait. She knows it’s too late. I think it finishes about 11. That is late, isn’t it? My bedtime reminder is 9. Got the kids football in the morning. I’m gonna be bloody knackered. You know what I’m like? I’m like. A little time to wake up. Come on. You said you’d never been. Yeah, but I also kinda don’t wanna get covered in a pint of piss. Yeah, I kind of preferred blur. Yeah, I kind of preferred the Spice Girls. If we don’t go, are you gonna look back in anger? No, um, my neck doesn’t really rotate that far around anymore. Maybe another time. Yeah. You’ll see them someday. Definitely may. Maybe. And I ate Michael Bolton’s tour next year on it.