Advice for Young Entrepreneurs: Navigating the Profitable Path of Farming

Yeah, Fred, is farming really profitable? And as a young guy who is now starting life, is it advisable to start a farm? Um, yes and no. Farming is profitable um but farming also involves a lot of capital so if a young man and you’re starting yes, there’s always a step you know, you can take the first step in your backyard, you can take it you know at a small plot of land that you have but to really do farming and see the profits or the returns that you’re looking for to really become successful in life is gonna required a lot of capital. Then here we are at a farm, we are building it for um a man and the amount of investment that is going on there, the amount of money that he’s putting in there, it’s not small money. So yes, it is profitable, it can work but please don’t be deceived. You will need to put in enough to get enough out of it. So if you’re a young man watching me and this is your dream, yes, start small, but you can dream big and start working hard to save some money so that you can continue pumping it into your business. So that will be my advice for you. Okay, thank you Fred. Bye ha ha.