2024 Rankings: Top 10 Best Universities in the World According to YourOwnNews.com

Here are the top 10 best universities in the world according to your own news.com. So if you don’t agree with this, take it with your own news.com, not with me. And this is the 2024 rankings. In 10th place is the university of Chicago with a score of 54.4. Ninth place is California Institute of technology, also known as Caltech, 55.1. Eighth place is Columbia University. They got 55.1 as well. Seventh place is Princeton University, 58.8. In sixth place, the first UK one, Oxford University, with a score of 60. Now entering the top five. In fifth place, we have the university of California, Berkeley, score of 62. And in fourth place, the second UK University, University of Cambridge, 67.8. Now the top three. And these are three very well known universities in America. Third place, Massachusetts Institute of technology, also known as MIT. Second is Stanford University with a score of 75.6. Even number one, probably the most, uh, famous university in the world, Harvard University, with a score of 100. If you also wanna see this list of top 10 European universities, let me know.