Paris: A Love Affair

it says Paris is always a good idea because Paris is always a good idea and if I could go anywhere in the world I think I would want to go to Paris is this huge Paris bag I have this Paris hat now this Team Paris shirt and then this is a bracelet my friend gave me because she knows I love Paris Paris Paris Paris I have another like little Eiffel Tower here and I love Paris first of all Paris I have this Eiffel TowerParis kind of picture Paris is like my favorite city in the world I’m taking a class about Paris this semester my friend and I are doing a project on Paris then I have this huge Paris poster and then I have Paris which is like my favorite city in the world my Eiffel Tower tickets so I have this Eiffel Tower thing it’s called Night in Paris Paris is my favorite city in the world home sweet home I want to stay here forever this is not like a realistic place of where I’m going to live but I would either want to live in Paris I could definitely see myself living here Paris is my life it is my dream it is my everything and I cannot waitto come back