Unlocking Success: The Power of Sync Licensing for Song Promotion in TV Shows and Movies

What’s the number one way to promote a song? The number one way to promote a song is actually through T. V. Shows and movies. So if you can land a sync license and deal where your song is played in the background of a big movie or a T. V. Show, you’ll see a bigger increase from that than anything else. Even if you compare it to the radio era and getting your song on the radio 24 7, it still doesn’t compare to getting your song on a big T. V. Show or a movie. They actually done the statistics on this and it turns out that if you can get one of your songs on a big T. V. Show or a movie, your song will increase in streams by 6,000%. So if you have a pretty popular song and it lands on a pretty popular movie or TV show, you’ll see a 6,000% increase in streams? They also look at the artists that land sync licensing deals catalog and look to see if it increase. It turns out that if you can get a song on a big T. V. Show or movie, your catalog will also see an increase of 3,000% when it comes to streaming.