The Power of Eye Contact: Connection and Communication in Marketing

Eye contact is huge. In fact, if you go to the supermarket and you look at cereal boxes, they have cartoon, the characters on the cereal boxes, they’re looking at you. You know where they, a lot of them look down. They’re looking down. You know who they’re looking down? You’ll see cereal boxes where the character looks down at the cereal. No, I’m, I’m a cereal box, right? I’m the rabbit or whatever right now. Now you go shopping, I’m not looking at you. I’m looking down. Why am I looking down? Cause the kids, the consumer. Yeah, not the adult. No, the kids gonna say, mom, buy that for me. Oh my God. So they designed them to actually look down and they also put them at a certain level. And so maybe an adult cereal, they’ll have the person looking at higher up cause they’re looking at the adult. Eye contact is huge. It conveys, trust me, talk to me. I’m here. I’m connected with you. Even when you wanna listen to people. Normally we do break eye contact, but good communicators will lock in. They’re not uncomfortable. They’re there. I’m with you. I’m connected with you.