Managing Pasture Dynamics: Keeping Geldings Separate from Mares for Herd Harmony and Safety

why do we pasture our geldings separately from our mayors that’s a question I’ve been getting so much over the last little while because you’ve seen me swapping around all the mayors a ton into different pastures into different groups and you’re like why are you never mixing the geldings in and it’s a very good question because geldings can’t breed they’ve been castrated and so they don’t really run any risk to breeding our mares so why don’t we let them run with them and a big reason is that I don’t know if you can tell we don’t have any gigantic pastures here um we have a couple that are really large so this one is the second largest it has a bunch of the freeloader mares the bread mares are over the hill and probably the biggest pasture and then we have um smaller paddocks in a row and so we have to have some sort of division and that’s been the case for the entirety of me living here 26 years 27 years um so it’s like when you come up with some sort of division at some point gender does come into place so at one point we had way more geldings than we had mayors and so they were always up here on the hill or they were out in the big pasture because there were so many of them um but because we have really leaned into breeding we have cut down on how many borders we have we only have three borders now um there’s only like two of these are borders and one of them is mine and he’s you know my only adult gelding and so it’s like there there’s no need to really mix them when there’s only a small amount of them right and another amount amount reason another reason is because some geldings and you might have seen this in a video I posted last week of Ponying Penelope Beau responded to her very similarly to a stallion and so even though some geldings are gelded they might respond to mayors when they’re in heat causing drama causing possible injury whether they try to mount them or they’re going in their space or they’re just reacting in a steadly manner even though they’re gilded so for us especially for the last 20 years we’ve been very border based up until the last few we had like always 10 to 15 borders uh it was easier for us to separate geldings from mayors for liability reasons trying to keep like a happy herd and it was you know you don’t ever want someone coming to see their horse and it’s like oh well the mayor was in heat and he got up in her and so she kicked him and now he’s got a swollen leg you know gildings tend to be less dramatic that’s not always the case but it’s a lot of the case a lot of the time and so with that being said it’s just kinda easier now have we had geldings in the past that did better with mayors yes I had a gelding one time named Leroy long time ago who got beat up by all the geldings he was like level zero in the pecking order no one liked him and we decided to move in with the mayors they loved him he was their best friend he like of course they pushed him around but he was like okay with it you know and he knew his place with the mayors so we’ve done it and like it works sometimes um but you know just kind of in general with the way things are right now with having very much primarily mayors it’s just it’s just easier to put all the geldings into one gelding pasture and they hang out together they know each other and these boys here are all older they’ve been going out together for like over 10 years and it’s just low drama you know