Exploring Delicious Asian Snacks: Ochi Cookies, Cheesecake Pocky, and Tonkotsu Ramen Snack Review

Ochi cookies exist and have also just landed at Costco. So let’s try them out as well as some other unique snacks I found at my local Asian grocer. So first up are these honey butter cookies with mochi inside. These are the ones instead of just arrived at Costco in a banana chocolate flavor. The mochi inside was so stretchy I heated this up for about five to 10 seconds so it softened. But they were also really nice at Room 10. I love the texture of the stretchy mochi with the cookie and the honey flavor was also quite nice.

Next is this limited edition Pocky Cheesecake flavor. It had a very strong cheese flavor and smell, but was so delicious. This is one of the best pocky flavors I’ve ever had and really resemble the baked cheesecake. I highly recommend to hunt this one down.

Then last up is this tonkotsu ramen snack, which you don’t actually need to cook. I don’t think it tasted like actual tonkatsu ramen, but it did have a ramen noodle seasoning flavor that was very addictive to eat. I actually could not stop munching away on this. And they reminded me of the Mammy Monster Noodle snack.