Smooth Skin Journey: How I Eliminated Texture and Redness with Azelaic Acid and Glycolic Acid Peel Pads

I fear I just deleted all the texture on my face like I don’t know where all the bumps on my face went but they’re not there anymore let me show you this was my sin a couple days ago my whole entire life I’ve had so many just like red bumps on my chin I’d get it on my jawline Didn’t know what it was always had it I’ve always had acne like that and I thought it was hormonal acne and talking about skincare trying to figure out what works for me I do have makeup on but the texture is completely gone so is the redness by the way I’ll show you guys when I take my makeup off first the natrium Azelaic topic acid 10% I’ve never heard of as like acid before I’ve never heard anyone talk about it this is from natrium and it’s super affordable I got it from Ulta but I also know they have it at target um I can see if I linked it in my Amazon storefront but I got from Ulta I don’t even know as Azelaic acid is but I put it on my face gone but paired it with this so I’m like they have to be working together right Colleen Rothschild glycolic acid peel pads with blue agave basically I wasn’t getting all the bacteria and all the makeup off my face after I was done double cleansing just take one of these pads and I do another sweep and I also go down my neck these two together married it’s rid of texture on my skin actually quite wild because I’ve lived my whole life like that and I thought that’s just how it was gonna be on my skin lays beautifully under makeup so if you have little tiny red bumps or texture maybe try these two together cause it might work for you I also have a code with calling rosschild it’s Jaclyn 20 on the website you can also get these on Amazon