Summoning Adventures: Tales of Subscriptions and Spins

Release redeemed. Sub to Maz King. Sub to vanilla. Oh, man. Sub to Toad Boy. Where’s the sub to Blam spot, dude, gotta get them all in here. I think I put them all in. I think. I think. Okay, yeah, yeah, I did. I was. I was kind of laughing, so I don’t know. Okay, we have enough for two spins. Let’s see if we can get the mythic. Oh, I don’t want Shanks. I want Koneki, dude. Well, let’s see if we get it. We got a JoJo character. I never know how to pronounce his name. This guy’s name is, like, blocking the whole thing. Oh, here we go. We got mccrow. Uh, Mihawk. That’s pretty cool. And do we get a mythic? Oh, man, dude, if I got a mythic right now, I’ll be so sad. I’m glad I didn’t get the mythic, cause that guy walked over with his Susanoo arm and blocked the way.