Unlocking Hyper-Realistic AI Selfies: Generating Images, Making Money, and Exploring Business Opportunities

Here is an a I business idea. I’m gonna show you 3 ways to create hyper realistic a I selfies of yourself or others in any setting just like this. Here I am in New York, here I am as Gladiator, here I am in the matrix. Here I am as Superman. So as you can see, I can put myself in any setting. And guess what? You won’t need a subscription to use any of these methods. You just pay for what you use. So firstly, I’m going to show you how to do it and thereafter I will show you how to make money from it. For this, I’m going to use flux, which is the latest and maybe greatest a I image model out there. Now unlike midjourney or even ideogram where you can just go to their respective websites and create images from there, flux is a little different. Flux is open source so you will find multiple ways of using it and also in multiple different platforms. So here is option 1. Just head over to fell dot a I then head over to Model Gallery, then click on train a Flux Laura. Then you will need to upload images of yourself to train this model. Choose a trigger word, then click on start and just like that you will train a model on you. This will cost you around 5 to 10 dollars to train. Thereafter, you pay for each image that you generate. Option 2 is astria dot a I here you will just click on tunes then you will click on Fine Tune give it a title a class name and then upload your images here as well and then click on create this will cost you $5 to train thereafter you will pay for each image that you generate and the third option is via replicate.com this option is a little bit more technical because you will have to create a Laura in replicate and then connect it to hugging face which is a little complicated and what I have actually found is for me personally the generations that I got out of the other options were much better compared to the outputs that I got in replicate but this could have just been me I may have not trained it properly because I used the exact same images to train it in fell dot a I and in astria dot a I but for some reason the output that I get from replicate was not as good as the other options but as I said earlier this may just be me only and to train this model this will cost you around $10 and thereafter you will pay for each image that you generate. So now I’ve shown you how to do this but how can you actually make money from this? You can offer this as a service to business owners where you can clone them and make them the Main characters in their own social media. And you can do this without them having to do anything. So you can either clone the owners, you can clone their staff, you can create multiple characters and create all different types of social media content for them. Or you can even use this to promote your own personal brand or your own business as well. The possibilities are endless. So now you have no excuses because