Maximizing Your Savings: Get $25 Worth of Products for $10 with These Coupon Deals

If you clipped your 5 O 25 in the 10 dollar off, don’t worry. I’m gonna show you a deal where you can use your 5 O 25 and still get twenty five dollars worth the product for only 10 bucks. For this deal, you’re gonna pick up either one soft soap body wash for 5:50 or one Irish Spring for 5:35. Use that two dollar digital. One shakes skin to my razor for six bucks. Use the three dollar Digital. One Palmers hand cream for 3:35. Use that dollar fifty off digital. One Percol 40 ounce for five fifty. Use that dollar fifty off digital. Then grab one Pamela dish soap, 18 ounce for two 75. We have a $1 digital. And then grab one Ajax dish soap, the 25 ounce for two 50. We have a $1 digital. So here’s everything. The sub total is twenty five dollars and sixty cents. After coupons, you’ll pay only ten dollars and sixty cents plus tax.