My First Two Days of College: A Productive Start to a New Journey

Hello and welcome to my first two days of college. So the first day we had the Coke Toast event, which is a very popular school tradition and then I had my last orientation session. We even had the little name tag. Definitely my everyday cardio is walking to each class. And now let me present to you my favorite building. However, I don’t take any science classes so later we went to grab lunch. Very healthy and fit. And as soon as we finished, I went back to my dorm for a work meeting. We are creating an AI assistant and I also had to program some post for my mom’s Instagram because we had a really special wedding. Very demure. I love that day. I felt just so productive. Then we had a convocation which was with the faculty. They even had their own acapella and I loved my outfit. The next day I had breakfast. This is my friend from Guatemala and then we went to our first class, which is statistics or QTM. This is probably the biggest class I’m taking. I mean, it was a little bit intimidating, but I know we will. However, Econ 1:01 has been the best class of all. So we went to the library to check out some textbooks and they had this very cool door that move. And then my roommate is giving me laundry sessions so we went to wash our towels and the sheets and then I Came back to finish my homework. Now let me show you my outfit. It’s from Erica Guisena, and I think it could be my favorite. It’s so elegant and comfortable at the same time. I also have it in baby blue. And I try to call my dad every single day, stay in touch about our lives. And, well, that was everything for my first two days. I hope you like them as much as I did. Have a wonderful weekend.