Automating Client Communication: Utilizing AI Chatbots for Efficient Sales and Support

Replace your $2,000 per month staff with AI chatbot day 2 no need MC no need to see their mood they work 24 7 to reply your client and help you sell to the client so you can get the AI to do the research on the client’s website right now and reply with the problem the the client is currently facing and how can our system help? So let me show you a quick demo over here new client enquire normally they will start with a hi so how can I assist you today I am interested in automation so after that it will prompt me for more details I’ll uh I’ll just give my name like Peter and randomly I’ll just look for a tuition centre website like the Learning dot s G and I will just send out the message so the chatbot will actually uh filter out the website so it will return me a customised message uh by uh searching through the website and see what it does have a look at the answer so over here based on the information uh education provider tutoring service and current pain point might be managing communication with students and parents reminders for classes and important update coordination administrative tasks so I also asked the uh AI to actually prompt for uh resources and money wasted and lastly which is our automation advice uh communication on automation that we can do like WhatsApp uh updates you know Workflow automation, chatbot utilization, customized workforce solution that is tailored to the needs. It will ask uh, for more in depth question we can book a zoom session. So how can I book a zoom session? So, so with that it has already provided me a link, uh, which is to my calendar booking app to have a quick zoom session with me. So that’s it for the demos. It used to be very expensive for us to do all these automation but right now in this current stage all this can be done without any coding and it’s not very expensive to get it all set up. if you’re interested to set up something like this for your business, get in touch with me. You can chat with my chatbot, uh, link in the bio.