Curling Experiment: Achieving Gorgeous Curls After Sleeping in Rollers

Okay. I thought these curls wouldn’t turn out that great, if I’m gonna be honest, just because of how they were wrapped. But I was wrong. I, I will admit when I’m wrong, cause look how gorgeous they are. Like, they’re perfection. So we’re gonna try it, and I will be brave and sleep in a roller this time. I promise. I know I’ve said that two other times, but I didn’t promise this time. I promise. I’m doing this intro now, but then I’m gonna put them in later when I’m in my bathroom, because they will be sleeping little people when I’m actually doing it. Okay, not the best lighting, but we’re gonna make it work. My hair is like 98% dry and it’s just a little bit, so I’ll tell you what, which I think is perfect. Got some good volume going. I have a nice clean sock, so looks like she just like this. And I’m gonna wrap up the hair in the sock, and then whatever hair doesn’t end up in the sock is gonna end up in the roller. Oh, that didn’t end up in the sock. I guess. I think you just fold this part over and then put this on top. Looks right. That was easy. Dude, if this turns out cute, this will be the easiest thing ever. My stomach is not happy right now because I ate two pieces of cheesecake. But we’re starting carnivore tomorrow and I wanted to Find a little dessert. They feel secure. There’s the rest of us like, what the heck? Spray this down a little bit, cause these have been dry for a hum. I feel so beautiful right now. Good thing my husband does not care how crazy I look in these. I’m trying to make it so it’s not too super uncomfortable to sleep in. I don’t know if that’s gonna happen. Got a bonnet that doesn’t want to stay on. I think it’s time to get a new one. I paid like $7 for this 4 years ago. Should stay on with this though. Good night.