Uncovering the Controversy: Analyzing Alex Earl’s Apology Video and Fanbase

you guys are probably saying Alix is only making this video right now because other videos are calling her out saying that she hasn’t come on here and talk to you guys about the situation and that’s true like Alex Earl literally admitting in her apology video that she’s only making an apology video so that people will stop talking about her racist past is like the craziest detail I feel no one’s addressed and I wanna do a little mini detail on Alex Earl today cause people keep asking the question why doesn’t it seem like anyone cares why does it seem like some celebrities are getting cancelled really hard right now but Alex Earl’s follower count and view count hasn’t taken even a slight hit why aren’t people appalled that this seem like the most lackluster she didn’t wanna be there or even care about what she was saying apology and she showed that by then like just a few hours later going back to her regular posting schedule without a care in the world and to add insult to injury as well she clearly filmed these other two videos along with that apology video like she just sat down pop that out real quick and then went along like none of that even mattered I guess people are talking about it but why isn’t it affecting her more well it’s because given her background and who she is it’s not really shocking behavior and her fans know who she is and they’re okay with behavior like that like as always you’ll notice most of the people in the comment section being like oh it’s okay we forgive you like this is so silly again mostly like younger white women because like I always say cancel culture isn’t exactly a real thing it only exists in two real instances the first one being you broke a bunch of really horrific lies and like no one can work with you ever again just cause it’s that bad which isn’t super common or 2 you do something that offends your core fanbase and again her core fan base is like college white women who like to watch makeup videos so a lot of them are not offended by racial slurs right so they’re going to keep supporting her you might ask yourself what do you mean by all this well Alex Earl’s history is public information and the day I found out about her like several years ago when she first started trending I did like a 30 second little mini deep dive on her found out her history and blocked her cause she had all the traditional historical patterns of someone who was gonna have a problem later and I didn’t need to see on my feed Alice Earl is a white blonde girl who grew up in a super red and super wealthy district of New Jersey her father owns a very successful construction company and their high profile enough that when he had an affair with his now current wife that he left Alex Earl’s mom for it ended up all over the news because that woman was also in a similarly related like escort scandal with the New York governor she grew up in a very red town her parents split her dad went on to marry the woman he had an affair with and have more children then Alice Earl grew up at a very young age she allegedly got a bunch of plastic surgery she went to a very red party school university of Miami then graduated into just being an influencer and you might ask yourself why did you block her just based off of all of that information she hadn’t even done anything yet that’s exactly the point she hadn’t done anything as another generic blonde woman who grew up in Minnetaka Minnesota another decently wealthy red town I’m aware of the pattern that if you aren’t actively speaking up on world issues oh my bad and you’re also out spotted partying with the Trump family and you aren’t shutting down actively any of these rumours that that’s where you side that’s probably silently behind closed doors where you land and you just know that speaking up about that being a prominent like feminist female icon influencer that take would not trend very well yeah most of her fans are probably aware of this lore and that’s why it doesn’t seem like it’s affecting her at all because they don’t care