Deciding Factors: Evaluating Presidential Candidates Based on Economic Policies

There’s a lot of factors that will go into my decision and who I’m gonna vote for this November. Mainly the economy for me. Uh, economics. I think what I really want to see a change in is just building up these poor economies. I know a lot of people talk about the debt, national debt, but more personally, I think it’s more important that we make sure people have jobs. I know during COVID there was a lot of people who got laid off of work. I know that we are still trying to recover from that. Out of state tuition to go to ASU. As much as I love Arizona State University, it’s high, it’s really high, and it keeps going up every year. Detroit used to be once in a lifetime, like, the place to be. It was one of the most producing economically cities. Um, so to see the downfall and to see that not a lot of people are paying attention to that, um, it just kind of destroys me in a way, because it makes me want to get up and do something. Are you leaning one way or the other in this race? I do tend to lean left with Kamala Harris. Um, but I do would like to see more opinions, more sides. I’ll lean towards, you know, the Harris Walls campaign and certain other issues, but on the economy, I’d have to go Trump at the moment. I definitely wanna see Change. Um, I do believe that she is here for our community, and she wants to see it at a political, a political and economical high state and rather than what it is right now. At the end of the day, whoever’s gonna be best on the economy, whoever’s gonna put more money in my pocket, whoever’s gonna give the best opportunities, especially to young people like me, as we’re going into the world, trying to figure out our place in it, what jobs we’re gonna get, that’s gonna be the most important.