Blooming Creativity: Bringing Lily Blooms to Life on Screen

I think one of the most fun parts of making this film. Was bringing Lily blooms to life. Oh, my god. Because Lily blooms meant so much to so many readers. We had our incredible production designer, Russell Barnes. And he cared so much about making Lily Blooms. Right. And it became this, like, beautiful collaboration. That’s kind of symbolic of what the flower shop is. It’s like all of these ideas stacked on top of each other. And when you look at it all and you step back. It’s just this beautiful piece of art. Special shout out to the art department. Yeah. And as important as the flower shop is, Lily Blooms isn’t Lily Blooms without these very unique and abstract floral designs. And so we did kind of this, like, national search. And we narrowed it down to like 15 or twenty really talented florist. And we ended up finding a woman named Carrie Stewart locally. And she absolutely nailed it. Wow. Yeah. I’ll take these. When you walked into that flower shop. And you took a breath in and you smelled it. You really felt like you were at Lily Blooms in real life. This is incredible. Yeah, thanks. Kind of exactly how I imagined it.